A Joy Message For When You Are Sad

Being sad is very normal. It is a part of living and trying to function in the world. For, there could be no happiness if there was no sadness. Sadness is a natural human emotion. And, if you are feeling sad right now, you are not alone. Millions of people around the world are sad. Sad feelings can be mild or strong, depending on the situation that is causing the sadness and how you are coping with it. Especially with the way the world is right now and how so many are impacted by the pandemic and affected on so many levels. It has created such imbalance in our lives within our mental, emotional, financial, behavioural, social, relationship and spiritual state. It would be very difficult to find anyone in the world who has not been impacted, in some way, by these world changes.

The very fact that you can be so sad means you also have capacity to be very joyful. In fact, there is something within you that is telling you that joy is missing. For you to realize that, you are closer to finding it within you than you think. You have definitiely identified that you are in need of change, and that is a very positive step in the right direction. You are no doubt exhausted being sad and lethargic and would like to be energized in a positive way, but maybe just do not know how to go about it.

One of the reasons you might be feeling so tired is that when you are feeling the emotion of sadness, your stress-related opiods in the brain are altered increasing levels of inflammatory proteins in the blood. If your circulatory system is impacted by this shift, it would have an impact on your heart rate and vitality. So, with that said, if sadness can alter your brain in such a way, how might a neutral or positive state of mind impact the body?

Studies have shown that by changing our outlook, thoughts, mind-state – we can alter the chemicals in our brain. Thus sadness and joy can be reached through thinking that way. Research has shown dramatic mood improvement, to potentially normalizing a state of mind, by thinking more positive thoughts than sad ones. Our thoughts play a significant role in how we feel, both mentally and physically.

Firstly, you need to clearly understand your feelings and what is causing your sadness. You do not have to hide from those feelings in hopes of them going away, because they are a part of you. You will need to find out the exact reason why you are not feeling well and start bringing them to the surface of your being. Do not be afraid to write them down or talk about them to friends or family. If others feel uncomfortable with your sadness, do not get discouraged. People in general, have a hard time listening to other people’s lives when sometimes their very own lives are not so far from yours. Some people are just better “emotion hiders” than others. There are a lot of people that don’t live in the “real” world because reality is very honest and raw. The more reality you can find leads to further self-discovery and about life. It can be a great friend and the process can be very enlightening. Seek it, do not hide from it.

Secondly, bounce back from disappointments and upsets in life. When things don’t go your way, don’t give up. Stay in the game. There is always a next time. Give yourself credit for trying, then try again to succeed. Focus on what else you can do to reach what you need to accomplish. In life, there are many roads to reach destinations. Try a new way of doing things.

Thirdly, think positive. Try to recall some life positives. We all have them, you just need to remind yourself of them. Look for it! Believe in yourself. Think of what you want to change, achieve and move further towards and how you can make the situation better. This renewed focus can shift your sadness and lethargic state to energetic and motivated.

Fourthly, think of solutions. Coming up with new ideas how to solve a problem, improve a situation or cope with life issues can help you feel strong, confident and good about yourself. It is difficult to remain sad when you feel you have purpose, direction and capability.

Fifth, try to be around uplifting people. Seek support to what you are going through. Seek a counselor, close friend, support groups. Try reaching out for help, to get the help you are needing.

Sixth, try doing things that you enjoy. Think of what has made you happy in the past and get back to doing those things. Whether it be exercising, sports, drawing, reading or whatever you enjoy doing. Some people say even getting outside for a walk around the block improves their saddened state almost immediately.

Learning to deal with sad feelings takes practice, but the more practice, the better you will become. Even small baby steps, can make a big difference in shifting your saddened state.

By you being sad should be seen as a very positive reminder that you have deep emotion within you to be that way in the first place. Use that strength in emotion to help raise you to the height of joy. One is not quite as opposite as you might think. Both are impacted by our very own brain chemicals and thoughts can help alter these chemicals in a positve way or a negative way. Keep learning and developing your emotional balance. Keep yourself open to all that you can feel and know that you are just around the corner to the positve as you are to the negative side of the emotional balance within your being. You can do it!


How are you feeling today? Are you feeling sad about a certain life situation or possibly in a few areas of your life? Please write me in the comment section of this website. I would really like to hear from you!

Wishing you much love and hope…..

Your Friend and Personal Health and Wellness Guide,


Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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