Aging and Wisdom

Some scientific tests have indicated that wisdom is enhanced as we age. It is true that our brains tend to slow down in processing information and in learning and adapting to the ongoing technical advances. However, our accumulated experience and acquired knowledge from a lifetime of decision-making more than offset this declining ability.

Most seniors are able to show greater patience and better understanding relating to financial matters. This includes decisions related to retirement planning and attending to our health care needs. Following are a few examples that show off the scope of the wisdom seniors have acquired.

– We enjoy showing off our increasing facial wrinkles because they clearly display that our life is continuing to be being filled with smiles and laughter.

– We have learned to accept others as they are and not worry or fret about what they think, how they act and what they say. We appreciate their opinions and behavior have been influenced by a mix of their different mental, physical and emotional experiences which makes them unique.

– We have realized that we cannot change the bad habits of others. It is up to them to undertake an undo-it-yourself project.

– We appreciate that we should not accept our past life as a hammock. We know that life can continue to be a springboard even though we may only be able to enjoy smaller leaps of faith.

– We know that our personal garden of life requires daily nourishment to retain its floral scents and beautiful blossoms. Spending our time criticizing others’ gardens will simply allow weeds to creep into our garden that will carry disease, harden the soil, reject water and block the sunshine.

– We should not be tempted to follow the path of least resistance and immoral behavior which fills our road of life with poor deteriorating conditions. This leads to potholes, cracked pavement caved in shoulders and even sink holes.

– Let’s not accept the view that our thoughts and ideas for improving our life and sharing the benefits with others will never become a reality. Instead, let’s learn to appreciate the many values and blessings we can spread if we allow our thoughts to keep motivating us as we convert our ideas into real achievable projects.

– There are lots of ways to fail in life. However, it is important to understand that giving up should not be allowed to cause us to lose heart and stop trying to overcome our shortcomings. We should always undertake to interpret our mistakes and failures as learning experiences and use this knowledge to become an “achiever”.

– Growing old allows us to become like wise old owls. The more we see, absorb and understand and the less we chatter senselessly, the more we hear and learn.

– As we age we learn to behave like a steam kettle. Even though a daily experience may cause us to feel like we are getting into hot water up to our neck, we know if we can keep singing we can drain the water and share a pleasant cup of tea.

– Aging has taught us to never tell white lies and try to deceive others. Otherwise we can cause ourselves to become color blind and continue to pretend that the invented fictions of our imagination are factual

– Our many years of learning have taught us to never give up doing what is morally right and to not allow doubts to cloud our minds. We know that our daily appreciation for life will guide us and allow us to do what we thought was impossible.

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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