What People Are Saying About Us

Great Articles

Great articles and beautiful pictures

Linda S

Beautiful Pictures

I am really enjoying it, the pictures and the articles are uplifting

Wonderful Site

Excellent read! I just passed this website onto some other colleagues and they actually bought me dinner because if found for them. We all look forward to reading it daily!

Wonderful articles, beautiful photos! It is definitely a “feel-good about life” site! Absolutely fabulous!!!

I’ve bookmarked this website, everything is awesome about it!

Beautiful photography and articles to warm up a cold winter day.

Touching stories and suggestions to absorb, while having a mug of healthy green tea!

Love the Site

Love the site! Anyone can pick up the pace in life with a good belly-laugh from a comical picture, a cleaver come-back or family content. Humour is all around us! We can start by laughing at oneself. Thank you!

This is a very beautiful site! Will definitely be visiting this site again!

Awesome and beautiful site! Definitely worth the read. I check it out daily to feel great all day long.

Congratulations on this great project! It will help so many people in the areas of our life such as health, happiness and de-stressing.

Loving the website. Particularly in this time of need and uncertainty, the tools of patience with, and trust of, our health care system come into place. Sharing experiences, ideas and one-liner jokes that produce belly laughs are all needed to show this pandemic who’s boss!

Awesome Website

Really great articles! Thank you! Awesome job!

Thank you so very much for this great website! I love absolutely everything about it! Way to go! Keep the positivity flowing!

Beautiful site! Love the articles, love the pictures! Thank you!!!

A group of us at work always look forward to opening up your website each morning to uplift us all during the day!

Brightens my Day

Wow, what a site, with loads of helpful ideas, de-stress tips, stories and wonderful pictures. Love it!!

Love this website! As soon as it opens up it brightens my day!

Am really enjoying the site! It is so warm, inviting and uplifts my spirit every single day!

Thank you!! This site is definitely needed in this chaotic world!

We all need a site like this to check out, daily!! It helps keep us sane! Thank you!!!

Wonderful posts to read on so many different topics. Excellent selection of pictures as well. I always feel so good just being on this site! Truly amazing and excellent writing!

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.