Truth and Memories Saying……

The truth is, that all of the “STUFF” here on earth we work so hard to buy and accumulate..does “not” mean a thing. At the end of the day, when we are gone…people will be cleaning out our “STUFF”, going through our “STUFF”, figuring out what to do with all of our “STUFF”….and, this “STUFF” we’ve accumulated in our lifetime has really no value.. The only thing of value that remains when we are gone are the “memories” and what we can positively deposit into others’ lives. May we all learn to spend less time accumulating “STUFF” and spend way more time making “memories”.

For, we aren’t what we have externally, we are who we are, internally.

Be You! You are more than enough to have in a lifetime! 🙂

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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