Positive Thinking & Its Rewards

Do you ever think of yourself as one of the most unluckiest people in the world? Does life seem to be such a struggle compared to other people who seemingly breeze through life? Well, you are not alone in this kind of thinking. It is very easy to get caught up in a web of negativity and to feel the need to have someone or something to help you escape.

Sometimes reality hits us most when someone enquires “are you okay?” In a shocked state we might deny that anything is wrong and then move along with our day. But, then when we look in the mirror and see our true selves, we get to see what others are seeing. Maybe we do rarely smile, perhaps we are negative about most issues and we could seem like we are indeed carrying the world on your shoulders.

With that said, when you feel down, depressed or sorry for yourself, read the newspapers or watch the news or try being there for others in need. You may realize that you are in fact one of the “lucky ones”. Reading news from around the world and even within your own country or city can be shocking. You begin to realize that the worries you have are actually quite small and that we need to cherish everyday and start looking on the brighter side of life.

In reality, worrying about a particular situation does not help you. For, worrying “is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but takes you nowhere”. Try to find a solution to whatever is causing you stress or anxiety by thinking positive life thoughts instead and taking a pro-active approach. This may not always be easy, but with practice you will keep improving your outlook on life, within you and all that is around you.

And remember, the past is over and done with and cannot be changed, the future is yet to come…..but the “now” is right here before us! We can all learn from our past, plan towards your future, but live in the moment. For, this moment will never come around again. Life is a “gift” to us all….that is why it is called the “present”. Live in the now, and enjoy every moment of your life journey.

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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