Our Personal Values

To help counter some of the negative news that pandemic has imposed I have found it enjoyable to take the time to reflect on the values and decisions that influence our lives. The more I thought about it the more it reminded me of how precious life is and the many daily blessings we enjoy. In this regard I thought it
might be fun to undertake to interpret “what makes us tick”.

I believe it is important to stress that our life and our choices are guided by our personal values. To help better understand our many influencing values I found it helpful and interesting to simply consider them as pieces of our “personal jig saw puzzle”. As we grow up, mature, marry and have families, the many pieces interlock and form a colourful picture of our personal values and commitments. These values become the standards that guide the decisions we make and the directions we follow. Subject to some dramatic experience(s) that may modify our values, they continue to influence our attitudes, our behaviour and our decisions throughout life.

To be more specific about the content of the pieces of our personal puzzle, I would suggest that they represent an interesting mix of of the following personal values that influence and shape life such as our:

  • inherited genes
  • family background and upbringing
  • cultural environment and social relationships
  • faith and moral perception of what is right and wrong
  • education and mentors
  • marriage and family priorities
  • working careers
  • influential people
  • significant experiences
  • personal interests and hobbies
  • physical and mental wellness
  • developed sense of responsibility and fairness
  • charitable nature
  • personality traits and behavior
  • adopted lifestyle

I would also suggest that the largest pieces of our puzzle represent the core values that best kindle our good feelings and provide a balanced sense of wellness, happiness, satisfaction and contentment.

As a further thought I would suggest that that bubble of core values for most everyone includes: – faith – family love – dearest friendships – shared and personal pursuits – being a responsible and thankful guardian of our many blessings – being honest and charitable – maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle – and retaining a
positive attitude.

The blended picture of our personal puzzle of values tells the story of what makes us who we are. I sincerely hope and pray that I am able to continue to enjoy the pieces of my puzzle for a few more years.

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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