Moving Forward

Its a brand new year! We all have a chance for a fresh start, positive life choices and changes.

Not that life change or new beginnings have to necessarily begin at the start of each new year but to many of us the start of the year is a good choice.

It reflects a new starting line for the beginning of our next life marathon journey for 2021.

For most of us, 2020 was extremely difficult. The challenges that we had faced, whether it be financial, mental, emotional, relational, occupational etc. has weighed heavily on us all. It would be extremely rare to find anyone in the world who has not in some shape or form been affected by the world virus.

Challenges in life are faced by everyone. No one is excluded from stress and life difficulty. What sets certain people apart from suffering more than others is their outlook, their perspective. How they perceive their individual situations and lives can make a huge difference on their mental, physical, emotional and all other balances.

It comes back to that old saying: do you see your glass half full or half empty? Keeping a positive outlook can be the deal-breaker between choosing happiness or sadness, hope or despair, success or failure. For, it is up to us which life choices we make in our life journey. Every day, we add another page to our book of life. We are the authors so we can write and think how we would like to live it.

So, with that said, thinking about and writing our life book is the start of moving forward. We all have to start somewhere. And, we all deserve that fresh start. Everyone is deserving of change, success, hope and new beginnings. If your life isn’t going the way you like it or want it, write down what you’d like to see changed and improved upon. Writing is the first step to moving ahead, to progress, so it eliminates actually physically making that change until you are fully ready to put your words into action. Change mostly occurs in your mental state before any action is taken, so go ahead, allow your self to ponder life, consider positive life goals, think about new ideas, concepts, choices.

Your thoughts are so powerful and are the best tool for moving forward. No matter where you are in life, the way you think can help positively change the situation you are in by firstly thinking it and believing it can happen. And, by changing the way we think not only gives us hope for a better future but those newly found thoughts can set us free from past transgressions and propel you to new opportunities and life success.

We all want to be loved, accepted, respected, and we all can be. We have to believe that we are deserving of good things in life and then follow that up with our positive words and actions. Another old saying: we have to walk the walk before we can talk the talk.

Positive change begins with our thoughts and then we have to act upon those changes to see them through. In this visual world, actions can describe a lot about a person. We all tend to judge others as we see them. So, if you show the world how you wish for them to perceive you, by how you choose to live your life and want to become, you are on your way to self-acceptance and awakening your full potential.

Here is also a good start to a new “you” plan if you feel in midst of past issues and are feeling “stuck” and are struggling to move ahead. You can say this aloud or silently to yourself:

“It is a new year. A new beginning. I want to start with a clear heart and mind. If you owe me, don’t worry about it. If you wronged me, it’s all good, lesson learned. If you’re angry with me, you won- I’ve let it go. If we aren’t speaking, it’s cool I truly wish you well. If you feel I’ve wronged you, I apologize, it wasn’t intentional. I’m grateful for every experience I received. Life is too short for pent up anger, holding grudges and extra pain. So here’s to 2021! Remember, forgiving someone is for you, so don’t block your blessings. Make 2021 a year of positivity and a season of forgiveness”.

And, always remember, no matter where you are in life, positive change can always be made. It might not be immediate and some obstacles you may face along the way, but with positive intention and perseverance, success in your actions will follow.

Wishing you all much joy, success and happiness in any positive life changes and choices you wish to make. Every page in your life book is so important. Enjoy creating and adding to your own life novel. There is only one “you” in the world! Be your own bestseller!

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Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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