Let Your Smile Overcome Life Stress

Smiles are contagious! Now more than ever before, they should be freely and happily expressed rather than restrained during the unprecedented human challenges wrought by the Pandemic.

This pandemic has invaded and suppressed our normal life styles and freedoms. This has included – imposing excessive public health risks – the need and importance of constantly following the government prescribed health protocols – unplanned family disruptions – severely restricted social interactions – business and job losses and the related economic stresses – constant upsetting pandemic reports – and a mixture of negative personal reactions .

Now, perhaps more than ever before, is the time to find more ways to draw upon our natural ability to smile more. Smiling will help stimulate feelings of happiness and chase away depressing reactions and thoughts imposed by this virus.

According to the medical profession, smiling not only offers a boost in our mood and emotions but it also stimulates many health benefits that include:

  • reduced blood pressure
  • increased endurance
  • reduced pain
  • reduced stress
  • strengthening of our immune system
  • generating more positive feelings
  • slowing the heartbeat and breathing rate
    Moreover, studies show that people who smile appear more likeable, courteous and
    competent and more productive in the workplace. Wow!

Following are a few selected quotes and some personal interpretations of the many inspiring benefits that we each can enjoy by simply making it a daily habit to smile more and chase away our dispirited feelings:

(1) Peace begins with a smile. (Mother Theresa)

(2) Smiling softens the heart and opens the door for feelings of compassion. (FMF)

(3) A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. (William Arthur Ward)

(4) A happy smile lies right under your nose and can never be hidden. (FMF)

(5) When things are difficult smile by faith. (Joel Osteen)

(6) A smile is free and is self-giving therapy. (FMF)

(7) A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear. (Marilyn Monroe)

(8) Use your smile to help lighten the mood of others but don’t let others suppress your mood nor erase your smile. (FMF)

(9} Smile is a decision. Why not make the choice. (Lynn Robbins)

(10) Make smiling a part of your daily facial expressions that everyone can see. (FMF)

(11) It takes a lot of energy to be negative. You have to work at it. But smiling is painless. I’d rather spend my energy smiling. (Eric Dewis)

(12) Even though life can sometimes discourage a smile, God is always there to bring it back (FMF)

(13) Smile in the mirror every morning and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life. (Yoko Ono)

(14) Sometimes it’s better to just remain silent and smile and avoid saying or thinking something that will take the smile away. (FMF)

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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