Balance – What does it truly mean?

Balance- what a popular topic nowadays! Locating a work-life balance, being stabilized in body, mind as well as heart, consuming a balanced meal, stabilizing work, play and life knowledge. However, what does it really mean?

When I ask my clients what balance means to them, many are unaware of the true meaning. For some, it indicates spending even more time with household and/or fun as well as less time on job, for others it means starting a physical activity. For some it suggests doing some emotional recovery, for others starting a spiritual path.

The truth is, we are all unique people, and also we each have our one-of-a-kind definition of what life balance truly is. If we put in the time to ask ourselves what a well balanced life appears like, we’ll locate the response. Or we’ll at least be revealed what is not in balance so we can begin there.

Most people have lived a huge part of their life out of balance. Many times our increasing life demands go to take care of others. We also allow our work to consume a large part of our life, forgetting the things we understand are good for us and replacing them with time-saving habits and quick fixes. And with that said a cycle of stress, regret, ill-health and depression can set in creating a life spiral out of balance.

When we forget to care for ourselves emotionally, physically or mentally we are out of balance! And, when realized it can be a substantial wake-up call to start making significant changes in the way of life modifications. When we can stop and focus on what is not working for us, then we can begin to start dealing with our body, mind and spirit.

As you begin leading a much more balanced life, you will be pleasantly surprised at the many positive changes in your life. Often one imbalance leads to others, so when able to gain better balance in one aspect of your life you can also enhance others in the same way. When you make positive change in a part of your life, positive change enhances all other areas. And, when you start being kinder to yourself you want to continue as it lifts your confidence and increases happiness levels. Whether you need more balance physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually or in any other life balance allow yourself to seek what you are needing to develop more life balance.

Change does not need to be big. Do one thing to boost one area of your life you seek to improve upon. Appreciate the life you are meant to live, a life of success as well as abundance in all areas of your “being”! Enjoy “You” and living your very best life journey.

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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