Aging Responses By Seniors

Chase Away Stress:

I believe as seniors, we are experiencing deeper feelings of stress and uncertainty imposed on our daily lifestyle by the pandemic. This has included depressed feelings and anxiety which are being fed by:

– the imposed necessary controls over our daily behavior and decisions

– restricting our freedoms to enjoy personal relationships, visitations and travel

– the imposed loneliness feelings

– the grievous illness and death reports dominating our daily news sources

To help cope with these stressful factors it is important that we continue to take time to express our feelings in our daily prayers. The Lord will always respond in helpful ways and fill our spirit with sunshine, peace, guidance and hope that will chase away our depressed mood and emotions.

Our Thoughtful Pace:

Let’s remember that our slower, unhurried but steady and considerate pace throughout our senior years is a good habit. It helps us to take the time to appreciate

each day and continue to cherish our varied experiences. Its many benefits include:

– helping us to be more patient and considerate of others

– taking the time to learn from our mistakes

– focusing more on our listening abilities and attention span

– sharpening our observance and appreciation of mother nature and the wonderful natural scenery and wild life that surround us.

– extending our exchanges and relationships in a more friendly, thoughtful way

– having time to have a constructive chat with our alter ego when we are alone

– not allowing an unknown and inconsiderate driver, a long waiting line or inconsiderate actions or comments to cause us to overreact in a negative way because we have learned to react in a more thoughtful, reasoned and forgiving way

Our Garden Of Happiness:

I believe God plants His seeds of love in our hearts when we are born. As the seeds grow they become our blossoming garden. Even though we are aging we should always appreciate that by continually nurturing our personal garden we will continue to enjoy its many long-term benefits. This includes retaining a positive outlook and the sense of enjoyment and love it stimulates. Most importantly, it will ensure that we never allow our garden to become infiltrated with weeds.

Honest Seniors

Another important observation is that as seniors we always try to be truthful in our exchanges. Sometimes our honest thoughts are handicapped by memory lapses due to such things as:

– our overloaded memory cells

– the aging of our brain

– the depressing daily lifestyle factors imposed by the pandemic

– our medication which may be disrupting our ability to accurately recall our memories and daily happenings

– experiencing restless nights

For these reasons please appreciate that we are not lying in our responses and exchanges but trying to be honest and fair in expressing our thoughts and opinions.

  1. Congratulations on your project Christy, another milestone in your career of enriching
    the health, happiness and comfort of your many clients over the years. Particularly in this time of need and uncertainty the tools of patience with, and trust of, our health care system come into place. Sharing experiences, ideas and one liners, jokes that produce belly laughs (good exercise) are all needed to show this pandemic who’s Boss!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Annette! I am so glad you are enjoying the website! Keep on checking back as there will be daily updates with loads of positivity to fill your day! Wishing you a wonderful day and keep on smiling! 😀

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Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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