The Beauty of Kindness

The attitudes we practice become the breath of our soul.

When you awaken each morning, before rising, say out loud: how can I make my day spectacular! Then think of at least two ideas that immediately come to your mind such as: I am going to ask 2 people I pass “how are you”?  The look on their face will be shock and surprise. Shocked that a total stranger would even care to ask. But the beautiful thing is that they will usually respond with a smile and their walk will be a little lighter.

Or, tell yourself that you are going to dance in your kitchen for a full minute! Watch the clock and only dance for 1 minute. There are many ways you can make your day spectacular – just think of them with your heart. If you do this for 5 days, and it’s okay to repeat ideas, it will become an attitude. You will find that you can’t stop dancing after 1 minute and you will look forward to asking strangers how they are. Use your energy and your smile. People will respond, it will change their attitude and their day will be a little brighter.

Use self talk. Look in the mirror and say “well it’s you and me kid and I think you are so amazing!” You have a beautiful soul and a sweet smile and I adore you!” Throughout the day tell yourself how smart you are, how gifted you are, how you make people laugh and how nobody can make better brownies! The best place for self talk is in your car – you can actually say it out loud and no one can hear you. They might see your lips moving but just bob your head and smile. They’ll think you’re singing! And, you actually are. You are singing to your soul and it is so incredibly comforting and uplifting.

When you talk to a friend, end the conversation with “stay fabulous”. That will make them feel wonderful and they will think you are fabulous. When you treat people with kindness and positive energy it comes back to you. It is like an echo. It becomes part of you. Be gentle with yourself, feed your soul with kindness and it will become a way of life. People will respond, I guarantee it. It’s magical. 

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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