The Gift of Life

Exploring through life on our own personal journey of growth, is one of the most incredible experiences of being human. In the school of daily life, we are the student, teach and the master. We are able to continually learn from our past, live in the present and prepare for our future. We are able to foresee the consequences of our actions and we can keep learning and acquiring the life skills to make positive change. For, to discover treasure in the world, we need to first look within ourselves.

As we continue to learn about growth, our psyche changes and our vision expands to new horizons as we are able to see further purpose and promise of everyday life. And, though we continually grow, we may not always realize that we have accomplished more than we ever thought possible. We never need to reach our destination for, life is an ongoing journey.

Here are things in life that will assist you on your journey:

  • Self-Worth – you are no more or less worthy than any other person. It grows by doing what is worthy, for yourself and others. Treat yourself with the same respect as you do others and open yourself up fully to life’s many opportunities and possibilities.
  • Motivation – your willpower is your friend. Keep moving ahead, step by step, day by day to reach your goals. We all have it within us. It is there to be found.
  • Value your Body – you have it for a lifetime. Protect it and cherish it. Maximize your physical potential to optimize your health, vitality and energy for life’s many adventures.
  • Financial – rise above hidden attitudes about money. Value and use it wisely. Stretch your abilities to produce stable, sufficient, even abundant income, and use it wisely to maintain it.
  • Thoughts – look beyond your own filters to grasp the world as it is. Focus on matters of importance, live in the moment. By doing so you will also find inner peace and gratitude.
  • Intuition – trust this human capacity within you. Learn to listen to your internal guides to help guide you through life challenges and successes.
  • Emotions – accept your feelings for what they are. Let them rise and pass without their constant change to disrupt your life. They are natural and do not need to be fixed. Let them be.
  • Fears – respect what they tell you, but do not let them rule you. Listen well and learn from them. Face your fears, learn from them and move on.
  • Self-image – Embrace all of yourself, what you feel is good or bad. Illuminate your darkness, in order to shine your best light. Seek wholeness, authenticity and compassion.
  • Love – seek this in action, towards yourself and others. Continue to walk the path of kindness to build stronger connections to others while at the same time finding self-acceptance and inner peace.
  • Community – use your positive tools to help others. Connect and find meaning and purpose in each and every moment.

Life is made up of a series of moments. It is about creating positive moments every day and bringing the best “you” to the world. We are all in this school of life together, constantly moving forward, together in time. We are all “humans-in-training. We all continue to grow, gain strength, learn from each other. We all have greatness to share with the world. We just need to realize this truth with us. As you become more conscious and aware of all the gifts you possess within yourself, your every day, every moment, becomes illuminated.

Become that positive influence in those around you. Acting kind when not feeling so kind is kindness, acting brave when you don’t feel so brave is bravery and acting decisive when feeling confused in clarity. Behavior comes first with your actions, then your mind will follow. Positivity is about what action you bring to the world. For, practicing and living a positive life, makes it so. Your actions shape your thoughts and feelings. Life is not about what you “can” be or do, it is about whether you “will” be it or do it.

Rise to meet life circumstances in the best possible way. Act with energy, discipline, courage and kindness. Life is about accepting a situation as it is, handling it with the best possible outcome and being able to act within your best personal self. Life should be a full and natural participation in life, with all of its ups and downs.

If you find your life is not quite working as you had hoped, have the courage and will to change it. Set forth positive action and keep learning, living, growing in the right direction. Keep expanding your horizons, making positive life changes and watch your personal growth flourish. Make your life a masterpiece, with new levels of involvement and awareness. Become your own master athlete-in-training. Your sport is everyday life and your goal is a fuller experience of all the moments in which life is made.

Create adventure in each and every life moment. But mostly, do not ever give up on yourself. Learn to forgive yourself, and others, for weakened moments. We as humans, are not perfect. Nor, is perfection ever demanded or expected of us. Embrace life as it is and participate fully with trust in life itself. Like anything in life, practice, stumble and fall, then get back up on your feet again. Resilience is your wonderful friend. Allow it to be that, for you. For, nothing can block your quest to become your best “you”, because nothing in life is stronger than the human spirit that connects us all. You are a continual seed, stretching upward, for all that is to come.

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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