Making Dreams and Hopes a Reality

The recent approval and gradual administering of a proven vaccine to overcome the virus has given us reasons to believe that our “New Years Dreams and Hopes” will become a reality. This means that we can and should prepare ourselves for many good things to happen as the dark clouds of the virus (and it’s recent variants) are gradually chased away during 2021.

In this regard I believe we can give ourselves a “kick start” by taking time to make plans of the many personal things we will undertake that will stimulate our interests and our wellness. Let’s remember that age places no limits on laughing and having fun!

Following is a Bucket List of some current dreams and hopes that we can look forward to making a reality as our freedoms are returned and we start adapting to our “new normal life:

(1) Enrich our family togetherness and our friendship circle with happy face to face unrestricted visitations and exchanges
(2) Renew fitness classes and recreational activities and personal wellness appointments and the healthy benefits they provide
(3) Dine out with family and friends and share different “spicy” menus and enjoy a special treat of our favorite deserts
(4) Visit the zoo and enjoy the families of animals and birds and the flower displays
(5) Enjoy an outdoor picnic with family and friends
(6) Play some board games, card games and solve puzzles with our younger family members that will test and show off our retained skills and stimulate oodles of happy feelings
(7) Arrange visits to our many beautiful parks with family and friends and enjoy the natural landscape while strolling through the preserved forest areas
(8) Hold a BYOE (Bring Your Own Everything) party and enjoy sharing food and drinks and socially reconnecting.
(9) Visit the library and enjoy browsing and renewing our selection of books (10)Clean out our closet and donate unused items to a charitable cause and treat ourselves to a wardrobe change
(11)Visit the museum and the art gallery and take in the wonderful, colorful interpretations and history they illustrate
(12)Go dancing and renew our physical dexterity on the dance floor

Filling each day with fun times and healthy diets is a very positive and self-satisfying way to nourish our mental, physical and emotional health. All medical practitioners stress the many wellness benefits that good daily living and eating regimes (and occasional venturesome variations) provide. This includes – improved morale – building a friendly social network – being more energetic and productive -lowering our vulnerability to sickness – improving our blood pressure – promoting better sleep patterns – remembering to take our prescriptions – maintaining a positive and happy attitude.

Let’s ensure our renewed lifestyle is filled with good feelings and fun times. Whatever might have been lost in our previous year, it can truly be found again.

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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