Eat Great = Feel Great

Food has been proven over the years to be great stress reduction!  People indulge when they are sad, depressed and stressed!  Most people eat the wrong foods when in such states of mind which is a huge reason why there are so many overweight people in the world!  Comfort food!  Plus, there is also the opposite type of people whereby they try to starve themselves to gain more control over their lives due to high stress.

Following a well-balanced diet is a great way to help reduce stress!  Foods with B-vitamins act as super foods to help reduce anxiety, tension and depression.  Whenever possible try to eat foods close to its natural state as you can.  Not only will you feel better but you will look better too!  Eat a light breakfast, fuller lunch and a light dinner.  Stop before you are stuffed and don’t eat more calories than your body needs. 

 Get more educated on the foods you eat.  If needed, see a nutritionist to help assist you with proper, balanced meals.  Not only will you lose weight and feel better about yourself, but you will also feel less anxious, have higher energy levels and more mental stamina!

 Learn more about vitamins and minerals: 

A – promotes good vision, aids in bone growth, aids in cell division  (liver, eggs, green vegetables)

B – maintains nervous system, protects against heart disease, boosts immune, reduces blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, aids energy production, protects against cancer (milk, meat, fish, leafy vegetables, eggs, whole-grains)

C – Boosts immune system, speeds wound healing (citrus fruits, leafy greens)

D – Aids in calcium absorption (Fish, sunlight)

E – Protects against cell damage and protects the heart (vegetables oils, nuts, mangos)

Calcium – Strengthens bones, helps prevent muscle deterioration (milk, cheese salmon, eggs)

Iron – Increases energy, boosts immune system prevents anemia (shellfish, yeast, wheat bran)

Selenium – keeps skin and hair healthy, boosts immune system, helps keep eyes and liver healthy (tuna fish, wheat germ, bran, tomatoes, broccoli)

Zinc – Boosts the immune system, helps prevent flu and cold virus (mushrooms, meat, eggs, whole grains)

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be considered a diet, it is a lifestyle! It is not just about losing weight it is about feeling better both mentally and physically. It is about making sure your body is getting the necessary nutrients it needs to function properly.

There also many benefits to eating healthy – weight loss, heart health, strong bones and teeth, better mood and energy levels and improved memory and brain health.

Remember, you are what you eat – so be great!

Here’s to your good health!

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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