There is a drug to which we should all become addicted. It is more than 200 times stronger than morphine, yet all of its side effects are healthy. It produces a euphoria unlike any other human experience. It gives you a sense of well-being and strength that is unparalleled in any other drug.

This drug alters the way you see the world, but these resulting perceptions enhance your life. This drug is completely free and legal, totally healthy, yet we use this drug very little.

This drug is called natural “joy” endorphins. Instead of us feeling self-pity, self-doubt, fear, stress, depression or anger, change your thought process to something positive.

Think about what you have accomplished instead of those things you have not. Remember all the kind things people have done for you, and you for them, with huge appreciation. Focus on ways to continually be the best person you can be and cherish every single day of that journey.

Live each moment as if it were your last, rather than worrying about the past and stressing about the future. Everyone deserves to be happy! We all need to seek inside ourselves to find what makes us feel great! Choosing a hobby, meeting someone new, improving our overall health and appearance, being with other positive people or doing nice things for others are all huge “joy” endorphin releasers.

Believe in you! Joy and happiness are so deserving to everyone and are within us all.

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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