Have you ever had the wonderful opportunity of helping others improve their lives? By doing this you are making a huge difference in their sense of well-being, and yours. The benefits you get from giving are far greater than receiving especially if it is done unconditionally and from the heart.

The power of giving to someone in need is one of the most satisfying contributors to “joy”. To be able to help another improve their life or their situation, has such huge impact and creates tremendous instant emotional, physical and mental balance in your own well-being as well. To have balance in all of those areas of your life is of utmost importance to improved and continued good health and wellness.

In doing so, you might want to consider doing some volunteer work with the elderly, the ill, the disabled or just for another person who cannot perform a task on their own. Or, by just doing something nice and showing kindness in action or in words towards another person is tremendously awarding to our own sense of value. We all feel good by being a good person!

We all need help in our lives at some point and by taking the steps to do our part in society makes the entire world a better place for us all. Watch the smiles of appreciation, the good vibration and positive energy that evolves as you help others in positive way. Be sure to allow others to assist you too, to allow them the same positive giving opportunities.

Everyone deserves to give and receive! Let others know that you care. Do it with sincerity, compassion and kindness. Life is so great! Let’s share that greatness with everyone!

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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