Self-Awareness = Self-Care

A heightened sense of self-awareness can help reduce or eliminate self-sabotage, strengthen our will, lead to improved energy and health, help create financial stability and increase our compassion, perspective, humor and vitality. Through our awareness, we awaken every area of our life balances. The direction and successes of our life largely depend upon the choices we make for ourselves along our life journey.

As we all strive for a successful place in the material world, our path always leads us to the arena of personal growth and self-discovery. Often in life, inspiration is not the absence of ourself, it is the lack of awareness of ourself. Positive change comes from within, to bring forward the best we can be, for ourselves, for the world.

Thus, living a balanced, healthy, productive life takes effort. Each of us deserve the opportunity to bring our best self forward. To live a healthy and happy life is a life-long committment worth working towards. And, with that said, our physical, mental, emotional and social well-being should be a very important quest for us all to make time for in our lives. Life is a gift. How we choose to live it, is upto us.

All the positive things we do in our lives will definitely help reduce our stress levels and continue to help us meet our goals, but the key element within this plan is, self-care. If we aren’t taking care of ourselves, alot of our hopes for positive life change will not take place due to lack of energy, focus or not dealing with our personal issues. Are we getting enough sleep? Are we eating a balanced diet of healthy nourishing foods? Are we exercising to keep our energy and heart functioning optimally? By bringing our best self forward, we find an expanded sense of purpose and direction towards all of our human experiences. Are we providing ourselves with adequate tools to optimize our health and well-being?

Many of us tend to fuel our bodies with stimulants to stay alert. Caffeine, nicotine, high-fat overprocessed and sugary foods are all popular choices. We live in a fast-paced world and we feel the need to keep up. While these might do the trick when we are over-tired or needing a boost, if these methods become regularly relied upon, we might want to take notice and seek healthier ways to help us stay focused and productive.

Self-care is a conscious act one takes in order to promote their own physical, mental, social and emotional health. Basically, in a nut shell, self-care can best be described as positives we can do for ourselves. It is a process of purposeful engagement in strategies that promote healthy functioning and enhance our well-being.

Self-care is vital for building resilience and defence against life stressors and the challenges and obstacles we might face in life . When our mind and body is well cared for, we are better equipped to live our best life and bring our best self forward. To be able to feel in control of our thoughts, actions and overall health is very empowering.

Unfortunately, some of us might view self-care as a luxury rather than a priority. Which, in turn we don’t always see its importance, leaving us feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and unable to handle challenges in life. Thus, a feeling of anxiety, sadness and overwhelming stress can unfortunatly step in and limit our self-control, as well as our self-worth.

Let’s take a look at various areas of life balances that can assist us in gaining control of our sense of well-being through self-care:

  • Physical Self-Care – We need to take care of our physical being in order for it to function efficiently. Research has shown a tremendous connection between the body and mind. When caring for your body, our mind will become more focused while feeling more physically energized. Physical self-care includes how we fuel our body, how much rest we are getting and how much we are active. Start to take an assessment as to where you are at physically and become aware of areas you need to make positive change.
  • Social Self-Care – We all need to be make time for friends and maintain positive relationships. It is easy to neglect getting together with others when life gets busy, but it is so important for your well-being. There is no set time limite as to how much to devote to social relationships, as this can vary per individual. The key is to figure out what your social needs are and to build enough time within your schedule to optimize your social balance. Friendships and social contact can have a huge impact on life happiness. It adds support-building, positive and fun experiences to your life and is uplifting wellness to you mentally, physically and emotionally as well.
  • Mental Self-Care – Our thoughts greatly influence our phsychological well-being. Maintaining a healthy outlook by continually learning and expanding our mental horizons keeps us inspired and fuels the mind. Find activities that mentally stimulate you and that you enjoy. Practicing self-compassion and acceptance are also ways to focus on your inner thoughts building improved self-worth and esteem.
  • Emotional Self-Care – Healthy coping skills are so important in dealing with life challenges. It is important to process your emotions and include activities that provide support to help you acknowledge and express your feelings. Being able to be in better control of our emotions is very important to our overall wellness. In fact, it is one of the most important balances as it can impact all of our other balances on either a positive or negative level.

It is important to remember that self-care does not come with a life guidebook. Your self-care plan should be customized to your individual needs and goals. Assess which areas of your life need more attention and self-care. As your life situation shifts, so will your individual choices of how and where you need your focus.

It is also important to note that no matter how intelligent, successful or talented you may be, when we neglect our self-care, we sabotage our efforts and successes in life. Appreciate your innate worth and give yourself the same respect and compassion you would give to others. Self-care infuses your life with clarity, energy and illumination.

No matter how different our appearances, cultures, ideals or beliefs, we all share in a common quest for life meaning and purpose. Investing in your personal self-care journey provides the path to your potential. See your expanded sense of purpose and direction toward your own personal summit of human experiences.

Your everyday life is where your lessons of adventure and awareness begins. Remember to include yourself on your journey. You, will be your most important passenger.

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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