Reduce Workplace Stress (with Humour)

The workplace and our life stress have unfortunately walked hand in hand for centuries. No doubt those who built the great wall or the egyptian pyramids displayed grumbling of all kinds too. Whether it be the long hours, low pay or limited or nonexistent dental plans, it is difficult to please everyone all the time. The human race is faced with a cruel choice: work or daytime television!

Today’s workforce consists of many frazzled, stressed out gatherings of people. There are days when even your coffee, needs a coffee. Some lose things at work like pens, papers, sanity and dreams. Some blame their bosses, some bosses blame their employees, some employees blame their co-workers and then a whole other level blame the relentless invasion of technology. It is no doubt that the workplace has become a nerve-wracking minefield of stress. In fact, research has proven to have 1 in every 4 people in the workplace feeling overwhelmed and being the biggest reason for the level of stress in their lives. If your job is causing you to lose sleep, grind your teeth or swear beneathe them, then assistance is on the way.

Alot of workplace tension results from poor communication. There is a disconnect between how well we think we communicate and how well we actually do. By being consistent and attempting to address difficulties in communication before they fester under our skin like hives and become an all-out drama series, we need to tackle the tricky matters quickly. By stating issues clearly and becoming a better listener, most areas of concern can be resolved.

Most of the usual communication pitfalls can be eliminated by maintaining relationships that are friendly and respectful and within boundaries of the workplace. Always be mindful of your office conduct and not be seen as a gabby-gossip, responsibility dodger or a whiney-willie. If working with people like these examples, do not get too close to them, as you could be their next victim, or worse yet, appear as their friend for others to unfortunately witness and misjudge you as being one of them. Show class, and most importantly, show up!

Next comes the difficult question – are “You” the problem? This can be a touchy but important self-assessment. Now, if you have become the ground zero for your office environment, this is actually good news. Changing yourself is alot easier than changing others. Change is within your reach while getting control of your actions and words. Learn to understand your own faults if you are the problem. It’s okay to be a rotten egg on your own time and stink up your own work station, but in most workplaces we need to work together with others on a regular basis, without the odor. Team building is the key to communication and it allows everyone to contribute their best skills and ideas without competing for the olympic gold medal. Don’t be a slacker or credit hound. Be a member of the team and learn to work together well with others.

Showing committment and excitement in your job creates the best workplace for everyone. These positive traits are contagious and they help to counteract any negative buzz in the work environment. Mastering these techniques will not only help create a positive place to work but can help fast-track your work position.

For the people who take an extreme approach to their job position working crazy long hours, neglecting loved ones and putting their entire focus on work to the exclusion of everything else, may need to re-examine their life. If your desire is to compete with the Joneses or live far beyond your means playing monopoly on a yacht, take another look and consider nurturing other aspects of your life. Find some fun in life, as you know…all work and no play makes Donnie a sad duck. As well, a well-rounded identity creates better life balance, helping reduce your stress significantly.

And, if you tell your boss what you think of him, the truth shall set you free…from your job. If something occurs at work, that possibly you need to seek another position because of it, go ahead and feel depressed over it as this is normal, even beneficial at times. However, don’t let the pity party go on for too long. Resiliency is the key to getting back up on your feet again and possibly even finding your dream job. This job loss might even come as an opportunity to shift careers and re-energize your life.

Keep moving forward, upward and onward, in your workplace, but don’t forget that life does exist outside of it. A large part of it actually…but don’t go telling your boss that. 😀

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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