Overcoming Obstacles

To overcome is to prevail in spite of adversity, to successfully solve a problem or life barrier. Obstacles give us a chance to practice courage – courage to improve our situation, our world, and ourselves.

What if these obstacles were actually your best friends, your wisest teachers, your greatest allies? What if we learned to love them, for what they can bring to our life. For, the greatest feats in humanity weren’t accomplished in the absence of obstacles, they were accomplished because of them.

Obstacles can actually be blessings in disguise. We should learn to embrace them. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Obstacles show us who we really are – they help reveal our weaknesses so we can gain further strength from them. Once we reach within us to see what is preventing us from going farther towards our goals, we better understand ourselves and push past our feeling of limitations. They reveal the parts of us that need fine-tuning and show us the things inhibiting our own growth.
  2. Obstacles instruct us on what to do next – in every situation that might appear blocked another path presents itself for us to follow. They literally spell out what we must do next. Learn from them and get past them.
  3. Obstacles make us stronger – look it in the face and resolve to do something about it. They give us a chance to practice courage and resilience.
  4. Obstacles help us focus on what’s important – when we know what is important to us, we can better tell the difference between the obstacles worthy of our time and those that are not. Every challenge can appear like a mountain, but with positive motivation and self-will, the time and effort is well worth achieving our goals. Once we determine and define that thing we want to accomplish, suddenly the obstacles reduce themselves to molehills.
  5. Obstacles make us more creative – we can either give up, or become more creative. How far do you want to succeed? When pursuing goals, do all you can do to achieve what you set our to do. If one idea road is blocked, look for others routes. When all might feel lost, obstacles help us stretch our creative muscles.
  6. Obstacles make us look outside of ourselves – life meaning is often found when we stop looking so intensely at our own problems and start to look at ways we can help the world around us. Many of our challenges seems so small when look outside of ourselves. And, by focusing outwards helps us improve ourselves inwards as well.
  7. Obstacles give us opportunity to change – they are events that help you reassess your existence. They can provide a window of opportunity to make positive life changes.

The path of personal growth leads upwards, through the struggles of human experience, to the peaks of our potential. By gaining a better understanding of your own purpose in life and realizing you have so many tools to get through all the obstacles you face, your awareness is heightened and you are optimally awakened to all the many opportunities that life has awaiting you.

Our purpose is evolution. Our school is everyday life. Our secret is action.

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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