Managing Your Finances

Similar to Love and Fear, money can serve or bind you, depending upon how you manage it, feel about it.

Most of us have money concerns of one kind or another; striving to make more or make do with less and learning to live simply. But, money does not depend upon becoming wealthy or declaring vows of poverty. Rather, it is about creating stability and sufficiency – a balance of monetary flow throughout our life.

The benefit and goal to obtaining financial management is to arrive at the point where money concerns no longer occupy our mind or monopolize all of our attention. To help free your mind to focus on other life goals, to ascend us to higher levels of awareness and life experiences. By overcoming our mixed emotions and self-defeating attitudes towards money, we then can move ahead to succeed further in all other areas of life.

Money management comes down to our attitude and belief towards money. We need to acknowledge any guilt or negativity we feel towards it. We need to do an honest examination of the values, beliefs and inner hurdles that may stand between ourselves and our success and abundance.

If ever asked by someone “how much do you charge for your service?” you should ask yourself “how much is my time, my service, my talent, worth?” You should come up with a clear and realistic answer that reflects the realities of the marketplace as well a a clear sense of your own value. When your actions flow from an expanded sense of self-worth you begin to accept, attract and receive more from the world, and yourself.

Be good at what you do – always strive to keep learning. Allow others to know what services you offer. Promoting your business helps you to help others and provides valuable services in the world with your unique contribution within it. Believe in your talent, abilities and strengths that you bring forth to share with the world. Hard work always pays off, so allow your talents to shine while reaping your deserved abundance.

By us feeling deserving and accepting the opportunity to work hard towards our goals, we can further enjoy the self-respect and respect from others that comes through this abundance along with enjoying what we do. Learn to not charge less, but to give more. As you manage your money, you manage your life. Spend less than you earn, earn more than you spend.

One of the most practical steps you can take in managing your money is to create a budget clearly recording your monetary flow. Observe where your money is going. Such fiscal discipline is far easier than “living for today” and then worrying about tomorrow. Gain self-reliance and self-respect by taking responsibility and managing your finances.

Money forces us to confront our sense of self-worth. With that said, do remember, having money does not guarantee happiness. For, happiness cannot be bought. However, it can bring solace, privacy and calmness to your life relieving some life worries no longer in your subconscious.

By managing your money, you allow yourself to free your mind and open yourself up to focus on other things in life that create even more abundance, Happiness!

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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