Health Affirmations

Your body can feel what you are thinking of it! Your cells are very aware of every thought you have. If you feel positive or negative towards it, it will respond accordingly.

Your body is your personal assistant, working as hard as it possibly can to help keep you healthy. Your body knows how to heal itself. If you are kind to it you will benefit greatly. If you feed it healthy foods and beverages, give it exercise and sufficient sleep and think positive thoughts, then it works like a well-oiled machine. The cells are then working well and are living within a healthy atmosphere. However, if bad habits are regularly occurring, the body’s cells are at a disadvantage as they are living within a negative atmosphere. Thus is the beginning of poor health, conditions and ill symptoms.

Good health comes from loving and appreciating your body. For, if our body breaks down, where will we live? We are all given one body to care for so we need to treat it with love, respect and appreciation.

The body, like everything else in life, is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. It is always talking to us, if we choose to listen. We all have the ability to customize our life cycle. Cherish it!


  • I love every cell in my body
  • I look forward to a healthy life because I take loving care of my body
  • I do my best to seek optimal health and give it what it needs at every level
  • I treat my body with respect and allow it to heal itself
  • My body is always doing everything it can for me to create great health
  • I am so grateful to live a healthy life and will do all I can to maintain it
  • I trust and listen to what my body is telling me
  • I make healthy food choices as I respect my body
  • I am the only person who has control over diet – I can always resist something if I choose
  • My positive thoughts create and maintain a healthy body
  • I breathe deeply and appreciate every breath of life

Affirmations can be said daily, written down in note form (some put sticky notes on their mirrors) or memorized. If any negative thoughts occur, you now can start with these affirmations to assist you on your way to great health and positive life changes. And go ahead, create more affirmations of your own, as you become better at it.

Best Wishes to Great Health, to you, now and always….

More Affirmations to come in upcoming posts! See you again soon!

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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