There is nothing more special than true friendship! To be able to share mutual knowledge, affection, respect, and esteem are of huge personal importance. To know that someone is there for you and you for them, in time of need, shows loyalty and trust. To be able to share enjoyable activities together and exchange advice and wisdom is true reflective behavior. True friends want the best for each other, have sympathy and empathy, have mutual understanding, and share complete honesty.

Building friendships takes time, sometimes even upto 3 years as certain levels need to be explored. The “staying power” needs to be developed and the true value needs to be fully appreciated. Friendships require self-disclosure which can involve some risks, but well worth all efforts given. By listening, talking, sharing, accepting and affirming each other, the level of self-assurance is found and trust is then developed. To be able to discuss any topic freely and openly creates a tremendous balance and comfort that enables you to be open to the sharing of suggestion, positive feedback and advice.

Some might choose many friends or, just have one. No matter how many friends you have, do value them greatly! They are in your life for so many reasons. To learn, laugh, listen, share and enjoy them, adds so much to our lives. And, do realize that you also bring as much to their lives as they do to yours!

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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