The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It develops its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones. You cannot use up creativity, as the more you use, the more you have.

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun. It involves breaking out of expected patterns in order to look at things in a different way. It is that elusive spark, the motivation to think more deeply, the change to innovate, re-think and renew. Being creative is looking where others may have not.

We are all aware of some of our qualities or abilities. Other aspects we have either denied or have been too busy in life to notice. But, an important self quality to acknowledge, acquire and accept is our own creativity. With this realization within our being, life becomes an opportunity for growth. Life improves by thinking outside the box and allowing new ideas to add brightness to our world. Creativity welcomes new ways and ideas than what is before us, and to explore what is beneath and to be inquisitive of what is above us. Being creative can be as simple as changing what already is and making it better.

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others and entertaining ourselves and those around us. It is the ability to view things in new ways or from a different perspective.

Creative ability is a skill that is specific to an individual. For some people, it might seem to come naturally, but it is also something that anyone can improve upon if they give it the time and effort. It is able to transcend traditional ways of thinking or acting and recognizing the limitations of what already exists and improving upon it.

Creativity goes beyond imagining. It is about developing something. through research, testing and building to see if our ideas will work. One sure way to be creative is to force ourself to learn something new. For, creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. and welcome the uncertainties. If we want something new, we have to stop doing something old.

Creativity consists largely of rearranging what we know in order to find out what we do not know. Thus, we must be able to look at the things we take for granted, to find something new. Self-doubt and repetitive habitual behaviour are enemies of creativity. The comfort zone is also another enemy to creativity as moving beyond it finds new perspectives and conquers fears. Being curious about life is a great secret of creative people. It is a gift inside everyone, and it is up to the individual to tap into it, cultivate it and work hard to make new ideas grow.

In ancient cultures, ideas that were attributed to an individual’s creativity were deemed “discoveries”. In the medieval world, creative ideas were seen as divine intervention, sent frm the gods. The idea of creativity emerged in the 1920’s with the birth of psychology. The western world shifted to focus more intently on the individual, and our unique capabilities and personalities.

So, where does this creativity come from? All skills originate in our brains. It is all about neurons in the right part of your brain firing over and over again until the idea comes to fruition. And, though there are parts of our brain that have specific functions, it is the connections between these areas and its network that bring creativity alive.

Creativity is a skill that allows us to draw understanding of the world around us, connect those observations to our exisiting knowledge reservoirs and imagining new applictions of our knowledge to come forward. Creativity and innovation require a willingness to be on the cutting edge, to develop a different way of looking at and experiencing life and to focus on what is unique. It is to explore new territory, awaiting discovery.

When it comes to creativity, it refers to our capacity to apply ourself to any undertaking we set our mind to undertake. If we consult ourself rather than a manual or somebody else’s idea of how things should be done, we can be creative in doing anything. Being creative is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are both located within the same person, ourself.

Creativity means looking around any setting or situation and asking “how can I make this into a terrific experience? What can I do, say, think or feel that will bring about learning and fulfillment?” And, creativity isn’t a magical gift bestowed to just a lucky few. It is a skill that all of us can hone and develop, by flexing our creative muscles. But, remember, an idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea in our mind.

There are many different ways to be creative. When we try something new, it can help our brain create new connections and inspire a new kind of creativity. The practice of sitting down and thinking creatively every day will flex that creativity muscle and help us become a creative idea machine.

There are 5 key characteristics of creative people:

Flexibility – to have the mindset that believes there is more than a single answer or solution to any particular issue or problem. Realizing that there is not just one way of doing something and being open to innovation.

A sense of intense curiosity – being fascinated with the world around them. Being very inquisitive and intensely focused on discovery, detail or whatever their mind is interested in.

Positive attitude – seeking detail, wonder and solutions. This goes along with intense curiosity.

Strong motivation and determination – the ability to act, construct and create. Ideas will only reside within the mind if action does not bring them alive.

Fearlessness – believing in the ideas and following through with action in belief in their value.

Life is not a single experience. Life is always changing everyday, and in every moment of every day, representing something totally new, which has never existed before. There are always new ways of viewing what is before us if we decide to view it differently. Creative energy flows in waves of inspiration. And, by continuing to experience life as ever-changeable and we are open to new ways of living, creativity has no fears or boundaries and is always welcomed with open arms.

The powerful source of creative energy breaks new ground, driving past old barriers and old perspectives, pushing obstacles out of its way. Creativity flourishes best in a positive environment which enables individuals to open up, risk mistakes and step off their regular path .

Each moment in life is a continuing journey, each and every moment to be enjoyed. And, what keeps life fascinating is the constant creativity of the soul. We are expessing ourself creatively every moment of every day, just by being us, in our own unique way. Creativity is a way of life and it truly exists within each and everyone of us. We need to find it and allow it to flourish.

Just imagine how colourful the world would be once creativity is unleashed within us all.

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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