Emotional Uplift Message

Have you been hurt by your spouse, child, parent or friend lately? Do you feel like you are the victim of others’ thoughtlessness and lack of caring or respect? Do you feel guilt for some reason?

If so, you have made the mistake of turning your life over to other people or events that you are unable to control. You have lost your sense of “self”. And, it is time get it back!

You need to reclaim responsibility for your own thoughts. Wellness is the ultimate awareness and responsibility for self. You need to see yourself as a part of everything and everyone, not as a target for anyone or anything. You need to find and maintain a true clear sense of who you are. Feel like a part of the system without becoming victimized by that system.

It is true that you can choose to perceive what is happening to you and actually “determine” what happens to you. It is your choice to change your own capacity to deal with stressors by changing how you perceive your own capacity to cope. You need to ask yourself if your hurt is related to your perceptions and not to the events. You need to try not to become consumed by events and always have your own personal control over that destiny and experience of events taking place in your life.

You need to realize that you hugely matter, you are unique, you are the only “you” in the entire world. And, no matter what anyone else thinks, says or does, you will always have yourself to count on and forever have your own cheering corner. Believe in yourself and create a positive world within you. Within you is a safe, happy place that protects you when facing challenges outside of yourself.

Always remember, it is “you” who is in control of your life, not anyone else. You are the one able to choose the right choices for your life. Choose positive ones to make your life better for “you”. Be happy, by being You!

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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Self-Awareness = Self-Care