Changing Negatives to Positives

Did you know that we have 50,000 thoughts per day, and most of them are negative? We are actually empowering depression to occupy our mind. Yes, it is difficult to be happy, especially when the world is so full of pessimism, but it is well worth the effort to combat this mind negativity.

Harboring negative thoughts causes people to become anxious and depressed. But, thankfully, we can live in a negative world and still be an optimistic person. We have the power to stop negativity in its tracks. Here are a few tools to do so:

  • start letting go of the small things bothing you on a regular basis. We cannot carry negativity around with us in our thoughts on a constant basis and then expect to be positive. Re-program your mind and seek a new outlook with positive thoughts rather than negative ones.
  • use positive affirmations – if you think positively in life, positivity will come forth.
  • switch negative thoughts for positive ones – identify your negativity and switch the thoughts to viewing them in a more positive way.
  • observe when negativity comes into your thoughts – live in the now and not worry about the past or future fears. Learn to stop making mountains out of molehills and minimize your negative thinking.
  • practice gratitude – be grateful for all that you have and see the positive in your life.
  • start a positive journal – recording all your life positivies to combat any negatives.
  • reduce negative gossip – avoid participation in this as it only creates negativity in your life.
  • stop over-watching the news – observation of too much negativity tends to flow back your way.
  • live daily with purpose – you are here for a reason – you are meaningful and matter.
  • stop multi-tasking – if you are wearing too many hats and feeling too overwhelmed, let some of them go. By doing too much, we are more stressed and when more stressed out, negativity can set in.
  • let your past be – no need to keep re-hashing what was. Don’t let the problems of yesterday ruin your today. The more we focus on what was, the less we can focus on what is.
  • get sufficient rest – adequate sleep makes us less irritable and negative
  • reduce social media time – learn to enhance your own life without following others.
  • learn to say no – try not to take on too much. Undertand your limits and when you have had enough.
  • de-clutter – organization is the key to a positive mind.
  • stop complaining – stop creating negative energy to you and others. Practice kindness ad compassion.
  • express your emotions – let go of things that fester our mind. Cleanse negative thoughts.
  • be kind – randome acts of kindness can lift you up and bring alot of positive to your life
  • keep negative people out of your life – make peace and positive a priority in your life. Negative people drain your energy while positive ones life you up.

Negativity is like an illness that we allow to enter our body and mind. Do not allow negative toxicity to take over your life. We all can make positive choices to make great change to our lives. To be happy and healthy, we have the power to make positive shifts to create this. Learn to stop negativity in its tracks.

By doing so, your road is wide open to expore all the positives coming your way. You got this! 😀

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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