Building Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is the most beautiful thing we can possess. It provides us strength, courage and hope to live life in faith that we can handle whatever comes our way. It is a super-power. Once we start to believe in ourself, the magic starts happening.

Confidence is about being who we are, not who others want us to be. It is where our energy introduces us before we even speak. Inhale your confidence, exhale self-doubt. Love yourself for all you are and who you’ve become. Optimism is the road to achievement. That acheivement cannot be reached without hope and confidence in your abilities. In life, one of the most beautiful things you can ever wear is confidence. Stand tall on your own two feet.

Many of us struggle with confidence issues. In the age of social media, it can be difficult not to compare ourselves to others. We also might lack confidence in our abilities at the workplace, socially or any situation that exposes who we are. We fear of how we are perceived by others and have a desire to be accepted. This is normal human behaviour, but the great news is we can do many things to help boost our self-confidence levels. Self confidence is believing in who we are, as opposed to listening to others of how they think we should be.

When we have confidence we can have alot of fun in life. And, when we allow ourself to have fun, we can do amazing things. It is not about perfectionism. It is our imperfections that make us unique. It is about how we feel about ourself. In life, with self-confidence we have won before we have even started something. We have our own personal cheering corner that is there to keep us motivated and moving forward. Having confidence in everything we do and doing it to the very best of our abilities.

Confidence isn’t about walking into a room thinking you are better than anyone else. It is walking into a room and not having to compare yourself to anyone else in the first place. For, no one in the world is you, and that is your internal power. It is not who you are that holds you back, it is who you think you are not. The moment we cease to believe we can be or do something, we cease to be or do it.

Confidence is an expectation that we can prevail over difficult, uncomfortable situations. This self-trust stems, in part, from our abilities, which are comprised of our knowledge base, talents and areas of proficiency. We are confident when we feel prepared for our circumstances. Trust in yourself to do what needs to be accomplished. Sometimes it is not about making the right decisions, it’s about choosing a decision and making it right. If you have goals, gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.

Confidence can also stem from our ability to adapt. It reinforces our belief in ourself to rectify unforeseen problems and resolve unexpected predicaments. By adapting we surrender our need to control our circumstances and learn and grow within new boundaries. When we feel confidence in ourselves, we are able to trust in our own abilities, qualities and judgement.

Self-confidence is important to both our physical health and our psychological well-being. When we believe in ourself we’re more likely to try new things, devote our time and energy to tasks that matter, make good lifestyle choices and create healthy relationships.

If we are over-confident, we might be inclined to take excessive risks, dismiss other’s opinions and ignore our weaknesses. When we confront setbacks and challenges with this frame of mind, we risk being unprepared regardless of our courage. If we are under-confident, we may avoid taking risks, allow others’ opinions to control us and perceive our weaknesses as a reason for any defeats. With this frame of mind we’ll be hesitant to respond to setbacks and challenges altogether.

There are many characterists that can increase our confidence levels:

  • willingness to leave our comfort zones – exposes us to unfamiliar situations, seeing them as opportunities to grow personally and professionally. Confidence comes from discipline and training.
  • awareness of emotions – remain attuned to negative emotions without being paralyzed by them.
  • self-evaluation – reflect on your achievements and your personal growth.
  • embrace positivity – suppress negative self-talk. Highlight strengths and celebrate successes, learn from your mistakes as opportunites to improve. Embrace optimism.
  • Abandon desire for external validation – seeking approval hinders confidence. Recognize that you possess unique value. Your knowledge, skills, talents and adaptability eliminate the need for external validation. Allow your confidence level to align with your own reality.

Self-confidence is one of the keystones to self-worth and self-esteem. Recognize your existing value and learn to push aside your inner critic. Allow your confidence to be your life journey guide to help you reach any destination you seek. It comes from within, it will always be there for you.

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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