A Story of Kindness

Jim Fishbourne lives in a small, rural town in New Jersey. A man, around his early sixties, is often seen wandering around town, usually pushing an old shopping cart. Sometimes just carrying a plastic bag full of bottles or trash. He walks hunched over and slow. He is unshaven and his clothes are wrinkled and filled with holes. He picks up anything on the road that he can find to recycle. At first glance, most people would assume he is either homeless or on drugs or alcohol.

Jim got the chance to actually observe this man one day when in the gas station watching him give in the bottles for recycling money. He noticed how others looked at him with much dislike and disgust. As he left the gas station he saw the man standing outside. It was raining outside and the man appeared very wet and cold. Jim impulsively walked upto the man and asked if he would like a ride somewhere. The man smiled genuinely and accepted gladly. He had a kind soul. Jim just knew it.

Jim had never done this before. He was in his early forties and life had taught him to be very cautious. He had never once picked up a hitchhiker or someone he did not know. But, something had compelled him to speak to this man and offer him a lift. The man smiled brightly and appreciatively thanked him.

When he got into the car, Jim noticed that there was no hint of alcohol or odor about him. The man said his name was Riley. He talked abit about how he used to have a car and a job, but after a bad car accident resulting in a brain injury, he was no longer able to work or drive. He also had to take many medications due to his injury and related health problems.

Riley said he likes to be outside, so he walks all around town. He also said he likes to pick up trash so that it helps the town look clearner. And, the money he receives from recycling assists him in between disability cheques. He mentioned that he goes to different locations to return his bottles as he’s been told places do not want him there as he upsets their customers. Jim suddenly felt much empathy for the challenges this man has had to live with since his unfortunate accident.

Jim dropped Riley off, who lives in a small mobile home with his parents. Riley thanked Jim several times before getting out of the car and walking slowly to his home. He turned back to wave one more time before going inside.

Now whenever Jim sees Riley walking around town, he always honks his horn and waves to him. Riley always waves back with a huge smile on his face. Jim has offered to give him a ride many times, but he would always smile and decline. He prefers to walk outside, in the fresh air instead.

Jim wondered how many people misjudge this man and no doubt others just like him. For, we all could be in that same situation if a similar accident or injury were to have happened to us. What happened to the man was so unfortunate and he is trying to live his life peacefully and with a kind, positive heart. He does not judge others for judging him. He has accepted that life is this way for him. He didn’t feel sorry for himself or sad. He lived his life in a positive way in spite of his situation.

Jim suddenly felt so ashamed for ever judging a man, who didn’t deserve this judgement by him. But, he also felt so good about helping him when he was needing a ride and feeling like he made a small positive difference. But mostly, Jim thanked Riley, for making his day so very special and the important lesson he learned that day he will always remember.


We all have our own story. We tend to be so busy in our own lives going about our day, to take much notice of everything around us, and everyone around us. Many people’s lives have been hit hard with health, financial or many other circumstances out of their control. Most of the time, we don’t want to take the time to listen to other’s stories or take the time to care. But, if we actually stopped for a moment and took the time to ask how someone is doing and observe if they might be needing some help, it could make all the difference in the world to that person, as well as you.

For, an effort to help others, lifts us far above ourselves.

Meet Christy

Less the Stress brought to you by Christy Kim a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist.  Having worked in the health field since 1999, Christy has greatly enjoyed helping several clients, family and friends with her many health treatments.

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